The Charlie Chaplin WebRing FAQ
This FAQ is to hopefully answer any questions you might have about joining the webring:
You can read WebRing's own answers by clicking here.
YES! But it doesn't need to be anything fancy.
No. It can be a general webpage with info about you, but it does need to say something on it that you are a fan of his... otherwise other people will wonder why you're in the ring :).
A fragment is the banner-type graphic that you must display on your page inorder to be an actual member of the ring. This is an example:
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YES! Although I prefer it to be on the page address that you entered, I will allow the fragment to be put on a links or webrings page. It must be easy to find! ...not only for me, but for those who are traveling through the webring.
You should have gotten the HTML code for the fragment after you hit the "Submit" button for joining and also the code should have been emailed to you.
If you didn't get it, then you can find it on your editing page by clicking here. You just need your site ID number and password to login.
Or, if you know how HTML, you can pick out the way you want the fragment to be presented on your page by going to the code page here. Just follow the directions! :)
Go back to the webring's page and scroll down to where it says "Editing You Info" and enter in your Site ID number and password. You will then be taken to the editing page where you can make whatever changes you need to make.
Very simple! Just click here and enter your site ID number.
Also simple! Just click here, find your site and look at the "Site" number next to your page. You can also look at the stats of the ring on this page as well!
If you have any other questions, just email me at
If the below image says I'm online, you can chat with me
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